Friday, March 30, 2007

Max GXL Health!

Just look at who is behind this company and what they have achieved to date!

Steve Scott:
Steve is well known in the national infomercial marketplace as a primary mover of some of the most successful products ever sold on Television. Steve co-founded American Telecast and is personally responsible for over 2.5 billion dollars in revenue.

He is a best selling author with Best selling Books such as "The Richest Man who ever lived"

Here are just some of the views Business Gurus and Celebrities have to say about his work and books:

“I received, I read, I loved – and immediately shared with my family the concept to study the Proverbs and buy this book. This book is great!” --Rich DeVoss, Co-Founder, Alticor, Amway, Quixtar; Owner, Orlando Magic

“Steve Scott’s uncanny insights and strategies are so specific and easily applied, I believe they can empower any reader, whether a college student, small business owner, or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, to achieve levels of success they haven’t yet dreamed of.” Donald Trump

“Steve Scott effectively brings a superb blend of experience, example, and encouragement to his latest book, Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams. His insight on criticism alone is worth the read.” Stephen R. Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

Larry King (Larry King Live), Hugh Downs (ABC NEWS), William F. Buckley JR. (Publisher - National Review), David Neeleman (Founder and CEO, Jet Blue), Chuck Norris (Movie and Television Star), Frank Gifford (ABC Sports), Hyrum W. Smith (Co-founder of Franklin Covey), Steadman Graham (author of “You Can Make It Happen), Ken Blanchard (co author, “The One-Minute Manager), Christie Brinkley, Connie Sellecca and John Tesh, Cheryl Ladd, Michael Landon Jr. (Film Writer, Director, Producer), Gary D. Chapman, Ph.D. (Author, “The Five Languages of Love) also speak highly of his work....

Fred Ninow

Fred focuses his efforts on MAX's corporate strategic planning to achieve both short and long-term objectives for the company.He has more than 15 years of senior-level management and entrepreneurial experience as well as 10 years of sales and marketing experience. Fred has guided multiple large organizations through opportunities and acquisitions. A founder and/or executive with Affiliate Internet Inc. IPINET, Sierra Medical, Sorex/Enpak Medial, R West Manufacturing, Franklin Covey, Blinder Robinson Investment Bankers, and JK Investments.

Greg Fullerton

As one of the most sought after public speakers in the nation. Greg brings years of sales and marketing experience to MAX.A co-founder of Franklin Quest (now Franklin Covey), Greg was responsible for the growing Franklin to a 500 million dollar organization while consulting for Fortune 500 firms including Price Waterhouse, MCI, PGA, Dow Chemical, Rubbermaid, Gulfstream, NASA,Chrysler Co. and Lucas Films. Prior to ISPS, Greg was a co-founder of iAccess Corporation, Karl Malone Western Wear and owned a professional basketball team in Europe.

Take a Look!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Max GXL Health!

The data indicate MaxGXL‘s™ effectiveness not only in populations who are immune-suppressed, but also in those who are stressed, aging, lacking sleep, or with any prolonged illness. In these situations, MaxGXL™ stimulates the body's production of glutathione to compensate for the body's accelerated use of it, strengthening your natural defenses, decreasing your risk of illness, and guarding against the effects of the body's aging process.

Did you know Glutathione is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant in your body? Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.

Learn More

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Max GXL Health Events!


To learn more about MaxGXL's products and business opportunity don't miss the calls listed below:

Prerecorded Calls about MaxGXL and Glutathione
(Calls require Windows Media Player. If you do not have Windows Media Player you may listen to the calls in the audio archive!)

Click Here to Listen to Dr. Robert Keller
Click Here to hear more from Dr. Robert Keller 2

All calls are stored in our audio archive. Looking for a older recording? Click here for our audio archive!

Max International VoiceMail System
Available 24/7 at 620-294-1600

Business Overview Call - English
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
10:00 P.M. EST - 8 P.M. MST
218-486-1414, PIN 44055 #

New Associate Training Call - English
Tuesdays - 10:00 P.M. EST - 8:00 P.M. MST.
218-486-1414, PIN 44055 #

MaxGXL Product Training - English
Saturdays - 12:00 EST
218-486-1414, PIN 44055 #

French Associate Training Call
Tuesdays - 7:00 P.M. EST - 4:00 P.M. MST.
218-486-1414, PIN 44055#

French Business Opportunity Call
Tuesday - 8:00 P.M. EST - 6:00 MST
218-486-1414, pin 44055#

Speaking Engagement

Dr. Robert H. Keller will be speaking in New York at the New Life Expo!

Dates: Friday, March 30, 2007
Time: 9:00 PM EST
Location: New York Hotel – New Yorker
8th Avenue at 34th Street
New York , NY 10001
Conference Room: Tribeca Room
Phone: 212-971-0101

Date: Saturday, March 31, 2007
Time: 8:00 PM EST
Location: New York Hotel – New Yorker
8th Avenue at 34th Street New York , NY 10001
Conference Room: Tribeca Room
Phone: 212-971-0101

Business Opportunity Meetings

Utah Opportunity Meetings

March 27, 2007

Time: 7:00 PM MST
Location: 533 Mountainville Drive
Alpine, Utah
Contact Person: Debra Dunn 801-427-9946

March 28, 2007

Time: 7:00 PM MST
Location: Corporate Offices
6965 S. Union Park Ave Suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT , 84047
Special Guest: Doug Twede

March 29, 2007
Time: 7:00 PM MST
Location: Village Inn
Roy, Utah Exit I-15 at Roy Exit Go West under freeway – Village Inn on your immediate right.

Bring your guests to the meetings and show them the power behind Max International. Mark your calendars now!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Max International's Pre-Launch Convention

April 13 and 14 will be the dates for Max International's Pre-Launch Convention. The event will take place in Salt Lake City. Mark your calendars and don't miss this event!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Max GXL Health

The worlds most powerful antioxidant is not in a berry, a fruit or a drink, it's in your body!

It's called "Glutathione" or "GSH" and every cell in your body requires an adequate supply to function and to stay healthy. It's your body's super defender against illness, infection, toxins, and disease. GSH is critical to optimum brain function, and is also your body's first line of defense against diseases of aging and the harmful affects of stress and overexertion. Imagine with Max GXL...
  • Guard Your Body Against the Effects of Aging and SLOW DOWN THE AGING PROCESS!
  • Reduce the Risk of Developing Cancer.
  • Increase Energy and Physical Endurance.
  • Enhance Athletic Performance.
  • Strengthen Natural Defenses Against Illness, Infection, Toxins and Disease.
  • Experience Optimum Brain Function and Concentration.
  • Wipe out the harmful effects of Stress.
  • Fight Off the Damages of Free Radicals.
  • Improve Heart and Lung Function.
  • All this while even enriching your personal life with this incredible opportunity!
  • It's time for a better life!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Finally, the right Product with the right Company with the right Management and the right Marketing Support.

Max GXL is set to Pre launch April 13th. Join NOW and secure yourposition in a company with a product that in only 7 weeks in concept has already generated over $800,000!

Your opportunity with MAX is unparalleled in the industry. MAX gives you one of the most lucrative compensation plans in the industry with an incomparable product that makes a dramatic difference in the lives of others. MAX offers an easy, low-risk plan with very modest start-up costs designed to make you money and ensure a better life. Let MAX International provide your path to health and wealth.

Get Started Today!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Max GXL - Glutathione

Increasing Age and Other Factors Reduce the Body’s Production and Utilization of GSH.

Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Research shows that GSH levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Supplements Containing Glutathione Alone Will NOT Increase The Body’s GSH Levels.

It is pointless to purchase supplements that merely contain glutathione, because the digestive system breaks down ingested glutathione and it will not be absorbed into your system. On the other hand, MaxGXL™ provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. MaxGXL™ also
aids in liver support by destroying environmental poisons helping the liver to function as the main production site and storehouse for glutathione.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Created by World-Renowned Immunologist, Dr. Robert H. Keller

Robert Keller MD, MS, FACP, has been named as one of the world’s 2,000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century, and has served on the scientific review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the VA. He has served on the faculties of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Marquette Univ.) He has published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents. Dr Keller was elected to The Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV medicine, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of several Biotech companies. The Consumers’ Research Council has named Dr. Keller one of America’s “Top Physicians in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology. Dr. Keller continues his medical practice and research activities at his clinic and laboratory in Florida and is Chairman of the Board and Chief Scientific Officer of Phoenix Biosciences, Inc.