Monday, December 31, 2007

Max International Happy New Year

What an amazing, record-setting year 2007 has been! Thanks to Dr. Robert H. Keller’s fabulous discovery, MaxGXL, and the hard work of Max International Associates, we now can look forward to an even more exciting and rewarding 2008.

Closing out the year seems the perfect time to look back at ten events that have propelled Max International to such record-breaking success.

1. The Guthy-Renker Partnership: Max Founder Steve Scott knew that Bill Guthy and Greg Renker would add a whole new dimension to Max International. Once Bill and Greg tested and tried MaxGXL, they echoed Scott’s enthusiasm for creating the most successful network marketing company in history.

2. Max International opened for business with record order numbers on February 1st, 2007.

3. Max’s first million dollar month, August 2007! Thanks to our skilled and dedicated Associates, Max is now looking forward to its first million dollar day!

4. Intro Pack Launch: At Max International’s Grand Opening Convention, this innovative tool was introduced to excited Max Associates who understood its value in sharing Max GXL and the business opportunity.

5. Max Action Plan! Truly the most powerful tool in the MLM industry, this power-packed, pocket-sized booklet shares the personal business tips of CEO Angel Lee, an MLM multimillion-dollar producer.

6. Convention Cash Incentive Promotion: Also in September, Max International gave away $130,000 in incentives to Associates for recruiting purposes.

7. Max Sponsors a baseball team: Max Associate Jay McGregor approached the owners of the Road Runners semi-pro baseball team based in St. George, Utah resulting in Max International becoming sponsors of the baseball team. Team players began taking MaxGXL reporting phenomenal results in energy and improved recovery time after practices and games.

8. Paying it forward: Dr. Keller traveled to Tanzania, Africa to collaborate with the National Institute for Medical Research of Tanzania sharing his highly effective product, PBS119, in a clinical trial for HIV/AIDS patients. Dr. Keller’s medical treatment does not have the debilitating side effects of other AIDS drugs. Dr. Keller’s humanitarian project inspired Max International in working with Amigos of Honduras, a grassroots service organization that is helping to operate two AIDS clinics, orphanages, building a school and funding a village water project. Said Max President Craig Case, “We’re a young company, we’re still figuring out ways that we can give back.”

9. Consumer Labs independently screened MaxGXL for more than 170 substances on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s prohibited list. MaxGXL passed with flying colors, and is now officially recognized as safe for use by athletes around the world.

10. Max’s 15,000th Associate was welcomed into the company in October.

Just watch what Max International and you are going to accomplish in 2008! Happy New Year to you all!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Max International to be Featured

Your Business at Home magazine is a national newsstand magazine distributed monthly at bookstores such as Barnes & Noble, Boarders, Hastings, Book-A-Million and B. Dalton.

Max International has been chosen to be featured in the February 2008 issue.

It will feature an in-depth look at Max International, our mission of changing people's lives, our unique product and many people who have had success through the company's unique approach to building wealth and wellness. The magazine will also include a new DVD which will include:

The Max Opportunity
MaxGXL Product Overwiew
Steven K. Scott Shares the Max Vision
Max Compensation Plan

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Athletic Edge fueled by MaxGXL

When was the last time you engaged in your favorite sport or activity?

Regardless if it was last week or last decade, the fact remains that MaxGXL can help you get more out of your sport.

MaxGXL contains a patented blend of all-natural nutrients that helps your body optimize glutathione levels. Glutathione is a key cellular component that supports the reduction of those nagging symptoms such as soreness, inflammation, prolonged recovery, low energy, etc.

Studies have shown that Glutathione preserves the ATP (energy production) process. Many athletes are discovering MaxGXL and are reaping the benefits of the added energy it provides.