Monday, October 15, 2007

Max GXL Health and Wellness

Poor diet and nutritional habits have created a nation full of overweight and undernourished people. Health problems are more common in more people at a younger age with poor diet and lack of exercise getting much of the blame. The one trillion dollar food industry is also taking heat for producing over-processed foods containing little nutritional value.

Baby Boomers are looking for ways to look and feel better and younger. The table has been set and the health and wellness arena is poised to explode.

Right now, the Health and Wellness Industry grosses over $400 billion a year in sales, and analysts predict it will grow to over one trillion dollars annually by the year 2010, generating over $1 million every minute of every day! Max International’s unique products are carving a niche in this lucrative marketplace. Would you like to be numbered among those who benefit from this increasing and profitable trend?

Pause for a moment to think about how you currently create your monthly income. If you keep doing the same thing you are doing right now, where will you be financially in 6 months? A year? 5 years? 10 years?

Where's your nest egg? What's your plan? Where’s your retirement income coming from?

Multiple Streams of Income. You’ve heard that phrase before, but it’s much more than a catch phrase. It’s how people become wealthy and stay wealthy.

We are ready to take you by the hand and show you how to build a business on your time schedule that could literally change your life and the lives of your family.

Take the Tour

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Max International A Solid and Stable Company

Max International was founded by dedicated and successful entrepreneurs and executives who had a vision. Their years of experience bring credibility and long-term viability to the company. Max International has a seasoned and experienced team at the helm. No company can become greater than those that lead it. Max International’s management team possesses the integrity, vision, and know-how to help you succeed. They are committed to your success which is evident in so many ways.

What makes Max International different from other companies?

Its products are patented and proven!

Max International products are scientifically proven through exhaustive testing and trials before they are ever approved for consumption. Dr. Robert H. Keller, the formulator of MaxGXL and other Max products is extremely particular about the testing of his products before sending them to market. You can be assured you are getting a product that will do what Max International says it will do.

Dr. Robert H. Keller MD had a distinguished academic career after achieving MD with Honors, and training in Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology at the University of Rochester and the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Keller has been named as one of the 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century, elected to the Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV Medicine of the State of Florida and serves on the National Practice Committee. He has also been named as one of the Top Physicians in 2003, 2004, and 2005 by the Consumers’ Research Council of America in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology and will be featured in the: "Guide to America’s Top Physicians” 2003 to the present. He is also included in "Who’s Who in Science and Technology”, "Who’s Who in the World”, and "Who’s Who among Executives and Professionals”.