Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dr. Robert Keller in Tanzania Africa

We just returned from an exciting, but very grueling trip to Tanzania, Africa. We all read about and see depictions on TV of the ravaging effects that HIV/AIDS is having on the African Continent. Whole villages are being wiped out; entire cultures are being lost, leaving behind only the very old and the defenseless, precious children. Hearing about it and watching it on TV can scarcely prepare you for what it is actually like to see and experience the crisis in person. Watching the hopeful face of a mother and young daughter as they come into the clinic to get tested for the virus, ever hopeful that they will be spared the ravages of AIDS, while the attending physician whispers to you that both mother and daughter are infected. No one on staff is in any hurry to crush the hope of this young mother and her precious daughter by breaking the news. In this place hope is a precious commodity. The tragedy is that some form of this story is being played out 10 times a minute each and every day throughout Africa.

As you may be aware, Dr. Keller has created a non toxic, inexpensive HIV/AIDS treatment that was designed specifically to addresses the huge HIV/AIDS crisis that exists in Africa and other 3rd world locations. These places in of our world are unique in that there exists in those locations another serious threat to the immune system that pre-dates the arrival of HIV/AIDS; this disease is Malaria. More than half of those who suffer from HIV/AIDS in Africa are also co-infected with Malaria. Either disease can kill you, so you must treat both if you are to save a life. When Dr. Keller created his HIV/AIDS drug he understood this dilemma, and purposely built into his drug a highly effective treatment for Malaria as well, so we are able to treat both of these killer diseases simultaneously.

When I met Dr. Keller over four years ago, I committed myself to getting this treatment into the hands of those for whom it was created. I had no idea how I would do it, who would help me, or where to begin - I just knew it would be the most important project I would ever undertake, and no matter what, I would see it through. Since that day people have come across our path, people with skills, connections, a willingness to help, a desire to make a difference. Each and every one of the people has played a critical role in getting this project to the point it is today.
Now we are on the eve of the final leg of our journey to bring this drug to Africa, and you have the chance to lend a hand to bring a little hope back into the waiting room of another AIDS clinic, in a dusty little town you can’t find on a map.

Thank you all for your interest and support of this incredibly important

A Note from Max President, Craig Case:
All Max Associates should understand that a significant percentage of every box of MaxGXL sold directly supports this tremendously important project. It is truly wonderful to be involved in such a worthwhile venture as this. Such work will always be a significant part of what Max is about.


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