Sunday, July 22, 2007

Max GXL Cellular Detoxifier

Cellular Detoxifier

Whether we know it or not, we are continually inhaling and ingesting natural and synthetic acidic toxins. They are unavoidable in these modern times both in our polluted cities and our poorly engineered food supplies. When the body has the health and the nourishment it needs, it works tirelessly to eliminate acidic toxins and to protect itself. But, increasing levels of environmental pollution are depleting the body's store of glutathione more and more rapidly. Our main organ of detoxification of acidic waste products is the lymphatic system and the liver. This is the body's most concentrated source of glutathione.

Studies show that low glutathione levels lead to poor lymphatic and liver function, causing more and more acidic toxins to circulate through the body and resulting in damage to individual cells and organs.

Medical doctors today routinely use glutathione- promoting drugs to detoxify victims of certain types of drug overdose.

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