Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Max GXL Glutathione Antioxidant

The Master Antioxidant

Over the past thirty years, researchers have explored the role of antioxidants in good health as well as the treatment and prevention of diseases involving oxidation or fermentation by metabolic acids.

Well known and widely used antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E and selenium neutralize acid. They occur naturally in nature, but not in the body. They must be introduced as part of a balanced diet.

Given the critical role of antioxidants in good health, it is not surprising that the body itself manufactures its own natural antioxidants. The most important of these is glutathione. Because all other antioxidants depend upon the presence of glutathione to function properly, scientists call it 'the master antioxidant.'

Glutathione binds to toxins, forming a water-soluble complex - which is ultimately excreted in the urine or bile as waste.


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